It's time...

You know you haven’t been nourishing your mind, your body and your soul the way you intuitively know to...

...but now is the time!

This isn’t about punishing your body to try to make it a certain shape or size…

In fact, no diet or exercise program will ever work long term if you aren’t healing from the trauma that caused you to feel unworthy of a healthy body in the first place!

Come join me for a FREE Masterclass


When my Spiritual Awakening began 13 years ago, I lost 35lbs!


As anyone on their journey knows, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows.  In fact, it can be downright exhausting facing our shadows and healing from decades of trauma we’ve ignored. If there’s one thing I know about myself, it’s that I’m fiercely dedicated to becoming the best version of myself!

As I released the trauma from my childhood, as well as generational, ancestral and past life trauma, the energy of the extra weight I was carrying went right along with it!

I’ve kept it off all these years and my personal journey lead me to becoming a Macro Coach 10 years ago.  Helping women lose fat by helping them repair their relationship with food and reconnect with their true self.

No toxic diets and cardio plans.  Just flexible eating,  lifting weights a minimum of 3 days a week and prioritizing a morning ritual.  My motto was “come on over to the dark side - we eat cookies over here”

And it worked!  

My clients were seeing great results without depriving themselves of the foods that they love and without spending hours doing cardio each week!  Many of them were prioritizing “me time” for the first time in years!

Eventually after 7 years and working with nearly 1000 women, I left the industry - frustrated because so many of my clients would just gain the weight back when our time together ended.  It was clear to me that the only clients who saw long term success, were those who were creating their own spiritual practices and those who were doing the deep inner work - healing from the trauma that had caused them to gain in the first place!

I’ve spent the past 3 years diving deeper in my own personal journey, training in Shamanism, hosting women’s retreats and working as both a Spiritual Alignment Coach and Spiritual Life & Business Mentor.  Helping those I serve in my 16 week programs and in my 1:1 sessions.  Surprisingly even to me, some of the women I've been working with have still lost weight!!

Throughout these 3 years, I’ve constantly had people asking me for help with their body goals.  I’ve felt so resistant to helping because my views on food and exercise have changed so drastically.

I’ve still maintained my weight loss, but I’ve done so eating intuitively, moving my body however feels good in the moment and prioritizing my self-healing journey and spiritual practices.  Because of that, the energy of the excess weight never came back… even though I stopped counting Macros and lifting weights over 4 years ago!

These past 3 years I’ve strengthened my connection with my team of Spirit Guides and Allies and I can’t ignore their messages any longer.  I’ve been feeling like there are so many women who could use my help in healing from the traumas that have kept you from living in a body that you LOVE.

That’s why I’ve created this FREE Masterclass and my new 16 week Program coming in February!


Nourish Your Temple


Ok, I'm going to be vulnerable which is part of my journey, but if I can do it then anyone can.  This morning I hit a HUGE milestone and something I have been working so damn hard for!

I have lost in 57 weeks 100.8 (and I can't forget the .8) pounds and 115.5 inches BUT the most important part is that I have found myself again!

My life has done a complete 180 and for the first time in over 29 years I am living, not just existing.  I do not recognize the woman in the blue, but I am so happy too be the one in the grey.  

So a HUGE thank you to the woman who took a chance on me and saw something in me that, at the time I did not see in myself.  Jennie, I don't know where I would be right now without that chance call we had just over a year ago, ad I am so grateful our paths crossed!

- Kari


If you were to ask me two years ago where I’d be right now, never in a million years would I have said that I would be where I am today. That all changed when I joined a Vernon mom’s group and connected with Jennie.
Her positive outlook, her positive mindset and vibe radiated and it was contagious!!! We became good friends and once I moved to the area for a fresh start, and to be closer to my mom, that’s when my life changed.
My first time working with Jennie was when I joined  her January 2020 transformation challenge. Let’s just say it was an eye opening experience. Society has me thinking that in order to loose weight I had to eat like a bird or be on another fad diet. At the beginning I will admit that I was resistant because I thought there is no way in hell that I’m going to loose eating all this food!!! But I quickly realized that it was knowing what made up my food that was the difference! Yes In the challenge I believed I lost close to 15lbs and over 20inches, but what really mattered to me was that I got my life back.
You can’t think of this as a diet, but as a total and complete mindset shift and lifestyle change. My mindset and outlook on life is not what it was before, I enjoy Life now! I am grateful and thankful for those around me. I think my brother coined it perfectly once to Jennie, “thank you for bringing my sister back to me”.
I have been consistently working with Jennie now for over a year and a half, yes I’ve dropped inches and weight, but matters most to me is what i have gained. It’s not about restricting something you love, it’s about making it fit.
Thank Jennie for giving me the tools to succeed , even when I didn’t think it was possible, I couldn’t be more thankful
- Natalie
My name is Hilary Gratrix. I work out of province, travel 1400km one way, work 21 12hr night shifts in a row. I'm a baker.
I've known Jennie for 20 years. She's my best friend. I started working with Jennie 16 months ago.
Learning macros was a life changer. I feel so much better about myself and I have a great relationship with food and I enjoy exercising.
Remember it takes 28 days to form a habit. As long as you are willing to put the time and dedication into something  life changing.
The results are ecstatic. I've never felt so happy in my own skin.
I forgot to mention I'm currently 5 months pregnant and still tracking my macros and working out.
- Hilary

Nourish Your Temple

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